
On request

Gifts for companies

The ideal gift for companies. Do you want to order a large quantity? You can write to us by e-mail to facilitate the order and the personalised messages.

We also offer tailor-made products for your various events.

For individuals (weddings, birthdays, receptions). For companies (banquets, company parties and gifts for clients and employees).

About our products

Our passion

We pay attention to detail. Even the smallest detail is...


Good taste doesn't have to be complicated. By using simple, high quality, organic ingredients, we allow our confections to stand out on their own. There's no need for gimmicks.

By hand

All of our products are carefully handcrafted into unique (art) pieces that we want to share with you. The recipes and know-how are based on a long tradition and attention to detail.


Made to the highest quality standards, natural and vegan we use only the finest ingredients to create delicious and tasty confections.

Lactose free

Gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan... To ensure that everyone can enjoy our confections, we always mark our ingredients carefully. Our delicacies are free of dairy products, eggs and gelatine.

24/24 H
Online ordering
+41 (0) 27 525 37 19
Video presentation

Our Promise

The heart of our secret: timeless recipes and attention to detail combined with know-how.

The best choice
Easy to operate
Quality assured
Fast delivery